Unlock the Power of Impactful Marketing and Propel Your Detailing Business to New Heights with Our Proven Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine



Comprehensive Collection of Ready-to-Use Marketing Kits for Various Services and Packages

Insightful Explanations on Why and How Each Strategy Works

Innovative Automation Software and Direct Marketing Support Tailored for Growth-Minded Detailers

Experience unprecedented growth in your detailing business, reach your ideal customers, and enjoy a surge in bookings and sales without the stress of marketing guesswork!

Clear the Roadblocks of Your Business…

(The Multi-Million Dollar Challenge...)

What would it mean for your detailing business if you could effortlessly implement proven marketing strategies within minutes?

What if you knew that each campaign you launched could drive your business towards exponential growth?

Because when you have ready-to-use, high-converting marketing kits…

you can attract a consistent stream of quality customers...

which lets you scale your business...

hire top-tier team members, delegate tasks, and outsource...

and then amplify your profits and bottom line...

which, in turn, helps you build the business and life you've always dreamed of.

But it all boils down to ONE thing…

it's all about getting people to notice and engage with your marketing efforts...

and that’s the tough part...

the part where you need to spend countless hours researching, brainstorming, creating, testing endlessly, and spending a small fortune hoping to find the right marketing mix that will attract and convert customers...

that's the hurdle that slows the pace...

that’s the multi-million dollar challenge.

But the truth is...

it's no longer a challenge...

because we've already tackled it for YOU.



Your time-saving gateway for any detailer who wants to dodge the stress and see high ROIs in their marketing efforts! Our “Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Machine” will help you spend LESS time creating and testing, and more time seeing remarkable results for you and your business

Just Imagine...

Instead of spending 2+ hours researching, brainstorming, creating, writing, and then spending a fortune to test you could do it all in just minutes and see exponentially better results.

The REAL Secret To Accelerating Your Detailing Business: Building LOYAL Clientele

In the realm of detailing, acquiring new customers is just the beginning. The real goldmine lies in retaining your customers, nurturing them into loyal clients who not only repeatedly invest in your services, but also become enthusiastic ambassadors of your brand.

That's where the Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Machine steps in.


Our marketing machine isn't just about casting a wide net to capture new prospects (although this is important). It's about tightening the bonds with your existing customers, converting them into loyal clients who consistently choose your services over others. This plan is designed to keep you at the forefront of your customers' minds, ensuring they come back to you time and again.


As you build a clientele of loyal customers, you also create a network of brand ambassadors who provide the most credible form of advertising - word-of-mouth. Delighted with your services, they're more likely to recommend you to their friends and family, providing you with valuable organic growth.


You can employ targeted email campaigns, direct mail postcards, and even personalized birthday and holiday greetings. Each touchpoint reinforces your connection with your customers, transforming one-time service users into lifetime clients.


Not only does this customer retention strategy help you build a strong, loyal customer base, but it also significantly boosts your revenue. After all, it is far more cost-effective to retain an existing customer than to acquire a new one. By investing in customer loyalty, you'll be seeing a return on your investment over and over again.

With the Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Machine, your journey to build a sustainable, profitable business with a loyal clientele begins. Embrace this comprehensive strategy and watch your business thrive on repeat customers who value and promote your services.

Turn the key and set your business on the road to long-term success!

Unlock The Power To Supercharge Your Detailing Business

Get Ready to...

  • Unleash Unimaginable Efficiency - Discover a secret that shrinks your marketing efforts from daunting hours to effortless minutes
  • Decipher the Code to Streamlined Operations - Break free from the maze of marketing and seize a clear, tried-and-true map to high conversion campaigns
  • Ignite Explosive Business Growth - Uncover a hidden path to a plethora of leads and customers, empowering you to create the profitable detailing business of your dreams
  • Command a Competitive Edge - Surpass your competitors in a single bound and compel customers to choose you every time (over and over again)
  • Recover Thousands in Lost Revenue - Replace the uncertainty of hit-or-miss campaigns with a surefire strategy to ensure your marketing investments pay off
  • Reclaim Your Precious Time - Our secret weapon enables you to focus on scaling your business, not getting bogged down in it
  • Supercharge All Aspects Of Your Business - Free up valuable resources to concentrate on other key areas of your business, without the worry of navigating the marketing minefield

But hold on, these benefits are just the beginning.

The real secret sauce? We'll reveal it, but only if you keep reading…


“The thought of learning automations was extremely overwhelming to me. Scott simplified the process into bite-sized pieces, and his instructions include what you need to know.” ~ Jessica W



We understand if you're feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. You're not the only one.

If your detailing marketing tactics have been hitting the wall, causing stress, or simply not yielding the results you'd hoped for...

you're part of an unspoken club.

Many auto detailers - those just starting out or veterans in the field - tend to focus on the wrong parts of digital marketing...

attracting new leads using social media ads (which are a total money pit without the right strategy, message, and targeting)...

and then losing those leads just as fast because they have NO retention methods.

All of this may have pushed you to a breaking point, making you question the viability of hyped-up marketing strategies.

But here's the secret...

These challenges aren’t a death sentence for your marketing efforts…

You SHOULDN'T throw in the towel or believe the whispers that suggest hopping onto another marketing platform...

Because, in reality, successful marketing for your detailing business is not only possible, but can also be incredibly rewarding...

The truth that's often kept hush-hush is that most detailers are still following the outdated marketing playbook, banking on convoluted targeting, tricks, and gimmicks to draw in clients...

When the actual success lies hidden in crafting engaging, persuasive, and audience-specific content...

Yes, the road to creating high-performing marketing campaigns seems steep and treacherous...

But here's the real secret...

The Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine is your map to navigate this terrain, enabling you to put together effective marketing strategies in mere seconds!

Stop second-guessing and burning cash on underwhelming outcomes...

It's time to turbocharge your detailing business and witness the difference yourself...

The Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine focuses on time-tested and proven direct response principles and strategies that have worked for hundreds of years for thousands of businesses…

Like the Nearest Neighbor Direct Mail Postcard Campaign...

With the click of 2 buttons, automatically mail the 5 neighbors of your last car detail…

And you don’t even have to know who they are to advertise and work with them!


“We rely on Scott’s expertise and knowledge and are grateful to have him partnering with us as our business continues to grow.”

~ Melissa W


“If you want to take your business to the next level, you can count on Scott. In just one hour, he gave me some great ideas on segmentation and targeting.” ~ Mihir D.

Mastering Your Marketing Is Now As Simple As Counting 1-2-3

  • Select Your Strategy, Immerse Yourself in Proven Templates - Pick and choose from a range of successful templates and strategies tailored for auto-detailers. Our repository is your goldmine for inspiration and tested tactics.
  • Leverage Our Blueprint to Construct High-Performing Campaigns in Minutes - No more fumbling in the dark. Use our step-by-step guides to quickly set up your campaigns and hit your target audience with precision (or have it done FOR you in the Full Throttle plan).
  • Launch Your Campaign and Witness Real-Time Growth - Hit 'go' and watch as your detailing business accelerates, drawing in more clients and boosting your revenue.

Remember, this isn't just about surviving in the detailing industry - it's about dominating it!

The Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine:

Your Fast-Pass to...

  • Launching revenue-boosting campaigns in minutes, not hours.
  • Saving tons of precious time.
  • Achieving high ROI with your marketing efforts.
  • Reducing marketing costs.
  • Eliminating the guesswork from your campaigns.
  • Boosting click-through and conversion rates.
  • Driving increased clicks, engagements, and conversions.
  • Achieving consistent results and minimizing market fluctuations.
  • Easily scaling up your campaigns as your business grows.
  • Eliminating frustration associated with managing marketing campaigns.

And much, much more…

Remember, with the Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine, you're not just buying a product, you're investing in a solution that propels you miles ahead of the competition!

Here's What This Means For

You and Your Auto Detailing Business

Say goodbye to...

  • Hours of wasted effort on campaigns that don't yield results.
  • Exorbitant expenditure on trial and error with new marketing efforts.
  • Constant split-testing in hopes of discovering a strategy that works.
  • The paralyzing confusion of not knowing where to start.
  • The struggle of consistently creating and managing high-converting campaigns.
  • The frustration stemming from persistent market fluctuations.
  • Disappointing conversion rates and low click-through.

Gear Up To...

  • An impressive ROI on your marketing dashboard.
  • Predictable growth in your bottom line.
  • Efficiency and effectiveness in creating and running marketing campaigns.
  • Saving precious hours and redirecting your energy to other crucial tasks.
  • Amplified results and minimized costs.
  • The ability to scale your campaigns as your business grows.
  • A significantly reduced workload and zero frustration.

The Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine is not just a tool, but a transformational shift in how you manage your business marketing.


For the Budget-Minded, Do-It-Yourself Detailer, In The Accelerate Plan, You’ll Receive:

18+ Ready-To-Use Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Kits

Includes pre-written email copy, landing page copy, direct mail letters,

pre-designed and pre-written postcards, and pre-built automations for use with our Ultimate Marketing Machine software, with blueprints and setup guides

Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Machine Software

Easily manage your all your marketing activities with our preferred CRM & automation platform.

Monthly Live Automation Workshop

Every month receive step-by-step direction how to configure and launch one of the Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Kits on a live training call.

Vault Access To Call Recordings & Resource Library

Can’t attend a call live? No problem! All workshops and Q&A calls will be recorded for you to watch at your convenience.

Group Welcome & Onboarding Call

Get up and running quickly as our automation experts guide you step-by-step how to use the software and set up your foundational marketing kits.

Monthly Live Q&A Call

Get your burning questions answered from our marketing and automation experts about using your Ultimate Marketing Machine software, configuring the Detailer’s Marketing Kits, or even the results you’re experiencing from your marketing efforts.

Unlimited Email Support

Don’t stay stuck is our motto! In the Accelerate plan, you can email your questions to our dedicated support team. They’ll guide you to the answers you need.

Direct Mail Postcards (e.g. service reminders, promotions, and more!)

Effortlessly get more customers by promoting your specials and services with an eye-catching 4x6 direct mail postcard. Impress your existing customers with birthday and holiday greetings.

For the Busy, Growth-Minded Detailer, In Our Done-For-You Full Throttle Plan, You’ll Receive:

Everything in the Accelerate Plan listed above PLUS…

Text Message Marketing

Reach your customers instantly with targeted pre-written text messages in select marketing kits to book more appointments.

Detailer’s Inner Circle VIP Live

Monthly Training

Learn from experts in business growth, marketing, and sales the strategies and tips working right now to scale your detailing business.

Done-For-You Marketing Kit Setup

Let our team of experts handle the

time-consuming task of setting up and launching one new marketing kit every month for you.

Hit The Inbox™ Essentials

Book more appointments when your emails get delivered to the inbox. We monitor the 4 key areas that determine if your emails will land where your leads & customers will see them.

Unlimited Priority Email & Zoom Support

Jump to the front of the line with your questions! In your Full Throttle membership, you can either email your questions to or schedule a 1:1 Zoom call with our dedicated support team.

BONUS: Nearest Neighbor Marketing Campaign

Automatically send postcards promoting your detailing services to the 5 neighbors living near each of your latest customers every time you finish a detail job. You don't even need to know their name or address!


Complimentary Couples Getaway

Take your pick of a complimentary getaway for two to 1 of 7 luxury destinations.


It's your golden ticket to turbocharge your growth and get results like never before. Unlock the path to success today, and redefine your detailing business

Hey there,

I’m Scott Hartley…

As a serial entrepreneur, I understand how hard it is to market and grow your business and stand out from the competition.

Like me, you probably ask yourself quite often …

“How do I do this? Is it even possible?”

Early on in my first business, I thought I was doing marketing…

All I was really doing was wasting money. No new customers walked through the door from my sporadic, pitiful marketing efforts.

I’d heard about other small business owners who had built wildly successful businesses using consistent and automated marketing strategies.

They enjoyed a constant flow of new and repeat customers, made lots of money, and had plenty of time to take long vacations, spend time with their kids and families, or whatever they wanted to do.

Between you and me, I was jealous. I desperately wanted the same results they were getting.

But here I was working 60-70 hours a week doing everything required to keep the doors open.

No time for vacations, and living paycheck to paycheck.

How was I going to find the time and energy to learn how to build marketing systems like they had?

Finally, I’d had enough of the misery of the job I’d created and devoted myself to studying how other entrepreneurs built successful businesses.

As I took action and applied what I learned, I began to see gradual results - new leads, more paying customers, getting existing customers to make more purchases, and reactivating old customers who we hadn’t seen in months or years.

I started to work less hours and even had time to get away for a vacation.

Both my business and personal bank accounts kept growing.

Does growing your business really need to be this hard?

I think a lot of people are like me and make it harder than it needs to be.

The problem is that most business owners think their marketing is effective. But they’re too busy and distracted to understand that, at best, they’re wasting money. At worst, they're annoying their prospects and customers.

Your business can bring value to the world. But unless you can clearly and consistently get your message out to those you can serve, your would-be customers will find someone else who can provide that value to them.

Since 2018, I’ve helped over 300 entrepreneurs - from attorneys to IT consultants to bakers to psychologists to financial advisors and many others - shortcut their path to success using time-tested, proven marketing strategies and automated marketing machines.

I’ve taken everything that works and put it into the Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine so that you can finally build the detailing business you’ve dreamed of.

Isn’t it time to take action to become THE auto detailer in your community?

18+ Done-For-You Marketing Kits

Now Available For Instant Access Today

Only $997 $399

(save $598 when you order today)

Get Started In The Next 2 Minutes

Receive a COMPLIMENTARY couples getaway with your annual Full Throttle enrollment


Guided Do-It-Yourself For Budget-Minded Detailers


Full Done-For-You For Busy, Growth-Minded Detailers

18+ Ready-To-Use Marketing Kits



Detailer’s Ultimate Marketing Machine Software



Group Welcome & Onboarding Call



Monthly Live Automation Workshop



Monthly Live Q&A Call



Vault Access To Call Recordings & Resource Library



Unlimited Support

Standard Support By Email ²

Priority Support By Email & Zoom³

Direct Mail Postcards (e.g. service reminders, special promotions, birthdays, holidays)

100 postcards/month included ⁴

Postage billed separately

Unlimited postcards/month included ⁴

Postage billed separately

Text Message Marketing

500 text messages

included/month ⁸

Done-For-You Marketing Kit Setup


Detailer’s Inner Circle VIP Monthly Training


Hit The Inbox™ Email Deliverability Monitoring


BONUS: Nearest Neighbor Marketing Campaign


Postage billed separately



Terms and conditions apply








“I now have several automations to support prospecting, marketing, and even internal business processes. Don’t waste time and thousands of dollars searching for someone who can deliver on their promises, like I did. Work with Scott - he delivers what he promises, on time and with a smile. ” ~ Yeshiva D.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need special software to use the Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Kit?

No special software is required. However, we do include access to our Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Machine Software in both the Accelerate and Full Throttle plans. You can manage your marketing easily with this preferred CRM & automation platform. We can even help you integrate it with your current line of business software, like Urable.

Who can use the Detailer's Ultimate Marketing Machine?

This system is designed for all detailers, whether they're budget-minded and prefer a guided DIY approach (Accelerate plan) or busy, growth-oriented detailers who prefer a full done-for-you service (Full Throttle plan).

Why are there two different plans?

The Accelerate plan is designed for detailers on a budget who want to manage their own marketing with a little guidance. The Full Throttle plan offers a full done-for-you service, ideal for busy detailers focused on growth who prefer to have the setup handled by our experts.

How does the direct mail feature work?

Our system includes pre-designed postcards for service reminders and special promotions. With the Accelerate plan, you'll get 100 postcards per month (postage billed separately). The Full Throttle plan offers unlimited postcards (postage billed separately).

What kind of support can I expect?

Both plans include unlimited support. With the Accelerate plan, support is provided via email, while the Full Throttle plan includes priority support via email and Zoom.

How much does it cost?

The Accelerate plan costs $399 per month or $349 per month if billed annually. The Full Throttle plan costs $499 per month or $429 per month if billed annually. Both plans have an initial setup fee of $499.

What if I have questions?

For any additional questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Email us at support@masterplan4success.com. We're here to help!

¹ Additional contacts and/or users can be added for an additional investment.

² Standard email support is provided weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm Central Time, excluding company-defined holidays. Two business day response time.

³ Priority email support is provided weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm Central Time, excluding company-defined holidays. One business day response time. Zoom appointments are available on a first-come, first-served appointment basis.

⁴ Postage not included. Additional postcards on the Accelerate plan are only 25¢ each. Postage fees and additional postcards will be automatically charged to your on-file payment method the following month.

⁵ Our team will configure one (1) marketing kit for you per month at your choosing. You will need to complete a short questionnaire. Additional marketing kits can be configured each month for a small additional investment.

⁶ Includes up to 4,999 marketable contacts. Additional fees for 5,000 contacts and above.

⁷ Postage not included. Postage will be automatically charged to your on-file payment method the following month.

⁸ Each text message over 500 is 2¢ per text message and will be automatically charged to your on-file payment method the following month.

⁹ Choose from 7 destinations. Certificate covers hotel accommodations only; recipient is responsible for travel, government taxes and other fees. Additional terms and conditions apply. Certificate will be delivered on or after day 32 of your annual subscription.